목록vivado&petalinux 개발환경 구성 (5)
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https://forum.digilentinc.com/topic/5029-making-u-bootelf-for-zybo-zynq/ making U-boot.elf For Zybo Zynq I am attempting to make the u-boot.elf file for the Zybo following this guide. I have a problem in Step 21: Compile U-Boot I am running into an error though that I am not sure how to resolve. Has anyone seen this before? I just learn about Zybo board. Than forum.digilentinc.com
https://www.instructables.com/Embedded-Linux-Tutorial-Zybo/ Embedded Linux Tutorial - Zybo Embedded Linux Tutorial - Zybo: This Embedded Linux hands-on tutorial for the Zybo will provide step-by-step instructions for customizing your hardware, compiling the Linux Kernel and writing driver and user applications. This documentation intends to inte www.instructables.com
www.zachpfeffer.com/single-post/download-and-install-xilinxs-20174-petalinux-tools Download and Install Xilinx's 2017.4 PetaLinux Tools This post shows how to download and install Xilinx's 2017.4 PetaLinux Tools on Ubuntu 16.04 www.zachpfeffer.com 1. bash shell 설정 #bin bash seting############################################# ls -al /bin/sh dash? --> bash 로 변경 필요 sudo dpkg-reconfigure dash 우분투의 기..
velog.io/@ddubbu/%EC%9A%B0%EB%B6%84%ED%88%AC-20.04-%ED%95%9C%EA%B8%80-%EC%9E%85%EB%A0%A5-%EB%B0%A9%EB%B2%95-feat.-fcitx 우분투 20.04 한글 입력 방법 (feat. fcitx) 설치 과정 fcitx 한글 입력기 설치 > 리부팅 기타 설정 띄어쓰기 https://nurungg2.tistory.com/4 전각 > 반각 한/영키 사용 alt_R 맞음. ubuntu 키배열 위치랑 같음. 원형 기호 싫으면 https://with-ubuntu.ti velog.io 리부팅을 꼭 하면서 넘어가야함
blog.mphomphego.co.za/blog/2017/11/03/xilinx-petalinux-2017-2-installation-on-ubuntu-16-04-3.html Xilinx PetaLinux 2017.2 installation on Ubuntu 16.04.3 Xilinx PetaLinux 2017.2 installation on Ubuntu 16.04.3 The user guide for Xilinx PetaLinux 2017.2 installation is UG1144. It is best used together with Xilinx Vivado 2017.2 version (see my last post about how to install Vivado). More info about ..